September 14, 2012
September 7, 2012
The Japanese
Change is inevitable. Whether it comes in your personal life, or in politics, it will happen as time passes. Large changes occur very infrequently though. It is usually small changes over a period of time that add up to a large one that make the difference.
The Japanese have a word for this... カイゼン or Kaizen.
September 6, 2012
No Wrong Answers (Part Deux)
Yesterday I wrote that you can really give no wrong answers as long as you can back it up. Today, I feel the need to explain a little more.
Explain yourself, in as few words as possible.
Every word that you say or write should have a purpose. If you are spending more than a couple minutes talking to someone, or more than a couple sentences, then you need to rethink what you are saying.
The only exception is if they ask for more detail or more explanation.
Explain yourself, in as few words as possible.
Every word that you say or write should have a purpose. If you are spending more than a couple minutes talking to someone, or more than a couple sentences, then you need to rethink what you are saying.
The only exception is if they ask for more detail or more explanation.
September 5, 2012
No Wrong Answers?
A lot of people have asked me what are the correct answers to typical interview questions that get asked. The thing is though, a lot of times there are no "right" answers. Let me say that again...
There are no "right" answers.
Sure, the interviewer might be looking for a certain point about team skills, ability to solve problems, etc, but there are going to be others that they had not thought of as well. The main point here is that once you choose an answer, back it up. There is a reason you chose it. So tell them why. If you can do that, your answer may turn out to be better than anything they had heard before.
And of course, be honest. Don't make up some completely bogus answer just so you can tell them what you think they want to hear.
There are no "right" answers.
Sure, the interviewer might be looking for a certain point about team skills, ability to solve problems, etc, but there are going to be others that they had not thought of as well. The main point here is that once you choose an answer, back it up. There is a reason you chose it. So tell them why. If you can do that, your answer may turn out to be better than anything they had heard before.
And of course, be honest. Don't make up some completely bogus answer just so you can tell them what you think they want to hear.
September 4, 2012
Jeans to an Interview
What to wear to an interview can be extremely confusing sometimes. I have already mentioned that you shouldn't dress to impress, but should you wear a suit? Maybe just a pair a slacks with a nice dress shirt? Or something in between?
What if you know that a lot of current employees wear jeans around the office? Can you do that as well?
The rule of thumb that I have come to understand is that you should always be dressed at least one level more formally than what your potential co-employees are wearing. This will allow you to communicate that you take the interview seriously, but you are not trying to stand out.
Example: Normal employees wear slacks and polos. I would recommend that you break out the suit with a dress shirt. You might be able to get away without a tie.
What if you know that a lot of current employees wear jeans around the office? Can you do that as well?
The rule of thumb that I have come to understand is that you should always be dressed at least one level more formally than what your potential co-employees are wearing. This will allow you to communicate that you take the interview seriously, but you are not trying to stand out.
Example: Normal employees wear slacks and polos. I would recommend that you break out the suit with a dress shirt. You might be able to get away without a tie.
September 3, 2012
Jimmy John's
To be honest, I personally like the subs at Subway better than Jimmy John's. There is one thing that Subway doesn't have that JJ's does though...
The signs.
Anyone who has ever eaten or walked into a Jimmy John's knows what I am talking about. One struck me while I was eating dinner last night there.
It read, "The answer to every question that you don't ask is no."
This really stuck out to me, because this is a saying that I have been trying to live by more or less. It doesn't do you or anyone else any good to question something in your head, and then never openly ask about it. It could be an idea that no one had ever thought of before, but could be the one that changes the world.
AND... Even if the answer to the question happens to be no, then you are no worse off than where you started. You instead have more information now to figure out how to make that "no" into a "yes". It goes back to me and my risk taking. In the future, I would hate to look back and think to myself, "What if I had asked that question? What if the answer was yes? What would be different now?"
The signs.
Anyone who has ever eaten or walked into a Jimmy John's knows what I am talking about. One struck me while I was eating dinner last night there.
It read, "The answer to every question that you don't ask is no."
This really stuck out to me, because this is a saying that I have been trying to live by more or less. It doesn't do you or anyone else any good to question something in your head, and then never openly ask about it. It could be an idea that no one had ever thought of before, but could be the one that changes the world.
AND... Even if the answer to the question happens to be no, then you are no worse off than where you started. You instead have more information now to figure out how to make that "no" into a "yes". It goes back to me and my risk taking. In the future, I would hate to look back and think to myself, "What if I had asked that question? What if the answer was yes? What would be different now?"
September 2, 2012
Gentleman Clubs
I can hear the laughter from where I'm sitting. People are saying, "Oh I can't wait to hear how he pulls some business professional idea from THAT!" Are you ready for it? One word....
That's right. Think about it. The women who are essentially the focal point of those businesses need to have the utmost confidence before they step out on the stage. They are putting their entire ego out directly in the line of fire with no hope for cover if need be. They are extremely comfortable in their own skin.
And so should you be.
Most of you most likely will not follow in their footsteps, but you must carry that same amount of confidence with you into every interview and every business deal that you do. Control the room and people will notice. They will do what you say.
Do me a favor? If you liked this article, "like" us on facebook at
That's right. Think about it. The women who are essentially the focal point of those businesses need to have the utmost confidence before they step out on the stage. They are putting their entire ego out directly in the line of fire with no hope for cover if need be. They are extremely comfortable in their own skin.
And so should you be.
Most of you most likely will not follow in their footsteps, but you must carry that same amount of confidence with you into every interview and every business deal that you do. Control the room and people will notice. They will do what you say.
Do me a favor? If you liked this article, "like" us on facebook at
September 1, 2012
"Horton Hears a Who"
Most positions that people interview for now require passing several interviews. One with a potential coworker or manager, and then most likely one with an executive. It goes without saying, but with each successive step, they become more challenging and more formal.
Everyone is nice to the face of the interviewer, but what shocks me are the number of people who are rude as soon as they step out of the room.
If you have an interview or a sales meeting with a high up executive or anyone for that matter, you should be courteous to everyone you come in contact with.
Treat everyone the same.
You should be as polite and respectful to the secretary and the janitor that you pass in the lobby as you are to the executive that you are meeting with. First reason is that they ALREADY HAVE a job.
You don't.
Also, if you disrespect them enough, they will tell that executive you met with. At that point there is no way to gain it back.
Everyone is nice to the face of the interviewer, but what shocks me are the number of people who are rude as soon as they step out of the room.
If you have an interview or a sales meeting with a high up executive or anyone for that matter, you should be courteous to everyone you come in contact with.
Treat everyone the same.
You should be as polite and respectful to the secretary and the janitor that you pass in the lobby as you are to the executive that you are meeting with. First reason is that they ALREADY HAVE a job.
You don't.
Also, if you disrespect them enough, they will tell that executive you met with. At that point there is no way to gain it back.
August 31, 2012
Shine Your Shoes in 3 Steps
Shining your shoes is an extremely easy way to dress up your suit
going into a business meeting, or make a great first impression out on a
Items you will need:
- shoeshine and polish brush
- buffing cloths
- shoehorn
- brown or black polish
- all purpose leather cleaner and conditioner
Give Them a Quick Shine:
1. Clean your shoes so that they are free of any dirt and dust that may be on them. This will help to ensure that you have the best substrate to work with. Dry them with a cloth, but ensure not to scratch them at all.
2. Spread on polish as if you were waxing a car. Make sure that it goes on evenly and gets worked into all the cracks and crevices of the shoe. Let it sit for about 15 - 20 minutes before using a shoe shine brush to wipe it off.
3. Use the buffing cloths to give your shoes the shine that they really need. Small, quick, circular strokes seem to do really well.
Items you will need:
- shoeshine and polish brush
- buffing cloths
- shoehorn
- brown or black polish
- all purpose leather cleaner and conditioner
Give Them a Quick Shine:
1. Clean your shoes so that they are free of any dirt and dust that may be on them. This will help to ensure that you have the best substrate to work with. Dry them with a cloth, but ensure not to scratch them at all.
2. Spread on polish as if you were waxing a car. Make sure that it goes on evenly and gets worked into all the cracks and crevices of the shoe. Let it sit for about 15 - 20 minutes before using a shoe shine brush to wipe it off.
3. Use the buffing cloths to give your shoes the shine that they really need. Small, quick, circular strokes seem to do really well.
August 30, 2012
A Very Old Tradition
Whenever you meet someone new, what is the first thing that you instinctively do?
Shake their hand.
It has been a gesture of good will for the past one hundred years or more, and will continue to be until the end of time as far as I can tell. There are a lot of different ways that people shake each others hands I have found, but not all say the same thing.
To make the best impression, get a firm grip and shake moderately hard, but not enough to cut off circulation. Don't be the limp fish making the entire interaction uncomfortable. As you shake their hand look directly into their eyes, almost as if you are trying to look through them.
Sounds awkward and uncomfortable, but trust me you will stand out and make an impression.
Shake their hand.
It has been a gesture of good will for the past one hundred years or more, and will continue to be until the end of time as far as I can tell. There are a lot of different ways that people shake each others hands I have found, but not all say the same thing.
To make the best impression, get a firm grip and shake moderately hard, but not enough to cut off circulation. Don't be the limp fish making the entire interaction uncomfortable. As you shake their hand look directly into their eyes, almost as if you are trying to look through them.
Sounds awkward and uncomfortable, but trust me you will stand out and make an impression.
August 29, 2012
Please leave a message after the tone
It seems in today's world, everyone has a cell phone. Which is great! I can now get in touch with anyone anytime I want wherever I want. That is the theory at least. The truth is that whenever I call someone....
No one answers.
I feel as though fewer people are answering their phones even though they seem to be attached to them at all times. Why this is the case, I'm not sure. I have gotten the chance to listen to some pretty interesting voice mail prompts though.
Those prompts where you lead someone on like you're actually talking are funny to your friends, but if you are expecting and interviewer to call you back, or have any chance at all that a professional may dial your number, you may want to make it sound a bit more professional. I have heard numerous times when an executive was calling a new hire to offer a job, and after hearing the childish voice mail prompt retracted his offer.
Word to the wise... Change your voice mail message to something sounding more professional. You will not have to worry when someone important calls you, and you will sound more mature to everyone else.
No one answers.
I feel as though fewer people are answering their phones even though they seem to be attached to them at all times. Why this is the case, I'm not sure. I have gotten the chance to listen to some pretty interesting voice mail prompts though.
Those prompts where you lead someone on like you're actually talking are funny to your friends, but if you are expecting and interviewer to call you back, or have any chance at all that a professional may dial your number, you may want to make it sound a bit more professional. I have heard numerous times when an executive was calling a new hire to offer a job, and after hearing the childish voice mail prompt retracted his offer.
Word to the wise... Change your voice mail message to something sounding more professional. You will not have to worry when someone important calls you, and you will sound more mature to everyone else.
August 28, 2012
"Not the gumdrop buttons!"
Last night, my fraternity held elections for the new Executive Board
for the upcoming school semester. One requirement of all the actives is
that they wear "pin attire" or a suit and tie. I couldn't help but
notice that although all of my brothers looked great, they failed when
it came to buttoning their jacket.
There are two main tips that I have learned about buttons on suits. (these go for men and women) First and foremost, if at any point you find yourself standing, your jacket should be buttoned. The jacket should then be unbuttoned when you sit down, and vice versa. Sometimes its tricky to stand, button, and shake someone's hand all at once.
Practice this before interviews and meetings so that its natural when actually put into practice.
The other piece is to know which buttons to button on any suit jacket. There are many tricks to use, but the one that I use the most is the saying "sometimes, always, never". On a three button suit you can say one word for each button as your work your way down. This way you know which are and aren't appropriate. For a two button jacket, you just start with "always".
These tips should help you get through most situations. If you would like to know anything else feel free to comment on the article and I'll help you out!
There are two main tips that I have learned about buttons on suits. (these go for men and women) First and foremost, if at any point you find yourself standing, your jacket should be buttoned. The jacket should then be unbuttoned when you sit down, and vice versa. Sometimes its tricky to stand, button, and shake someone's hand all at once.
Practice this before interviews and meetings so that its natural when actually put into practice.
The other piece is to know which buttons to button on any suit jacket. There are many tricks to use, but the one that I use the most is the saying "sometimes, always, never". On a three button suit you can say one word for each button as your work your way down. This way you know which are and aren't appropriate. For a two button jacket, you just start with "always".
These tips should help you get through most situations. If you would like to know anything else feel free to comment on the article and I'll help you out!
executive board,
three button,
two button
August 27, 2012
Recommended Reading
Seth Godin, the marketing guru wrote an article a couple of days ago entitled Tattoo thinking.
I would recommend reading it.
I would recommend reading it.
August 23, 2012
The Three Musketeers
In my first two days of classes this semester, almost every one has at least one assignment in which it must be completed in a group of four or five students. This is completely different than what I'm used to in classes like chemistry and physics where you normally work by yourself. Group work is almost frowned upon as cheating.
When you think about it though, many times out in the business world, you are handed a problem with almost no background information. And, you are instructed to work in a team. At this point you have two options:
1. Take control and do all of the work yourself and most likely not sleep for numerous nights on end, cause yourself exorbitant amounts of stress, and possibly miss the deadline.
2. Work with your team and delegate responsibility so that each person works hard, but does not work themselves to death.
Working in a team also helps you to sort out answers to problems that you may not have thought of before. Thus making the team look even better to the authority figure.
I have heard it many times before from very successful people, "Leaders do not necessarily do all the work themselves, or are the smartest people. They surround themselves with smart individuals so as to help each other out."
When you think about it though, many times out in the business world, you are handed a problem with almost no background information. And, you are instructed to work in a team. At this point you have two options:
1. Take control and do all of the work yourself and most likely not sleep for numerous nights on end, cause yourself exorbitant amounts of stress, and possibly miss the deadline.
2. Work with your team and delegate responsibility so that each person works hard, but does not work themselves to death.
Working in a team also helps you to sort out answers to problems that you may not have thought of before. Thus making the team look even better to the authority figure.
I have heard it many times before from very successful people, "Leaders do not necessarily do all the work themselves, or are the smartest people. They surround themselves with smart individuals so as to help each other out."
August 22, 2012
Marketing 101
The first day of classes in a semester is always the best for most students. The instructor reads through the syllabus, maybe shows a short video, and then goes "Okay, no homework!".
You can't do much better than that. Except for class being canceled.
In my upper level marketing class today though, my professor made the comment that the first thing to learn in marketing is that the customer's point of view is the most important point of view.
Now this may seem like basic thought when running a business and trying to sell a product or service, but how do you apply it when you don't have a job?
Who is your customer?
Your potential employer. Everything you do, resumes, cover letters, the way you dress, all of that is how you market yourself. You yourself are the product that you are selling. So the question becomes then, what exactly are you or do you want to be marketing about yourself?
You can't do much better than that. Except for class being canceled.
In my upper level marketing class today though, my professor made the comment that the first thing to learn in marketing is that the customer's point of view is the most important point of view.
Now this may seem like basic thought when running a business and trying to sell a product or service, but how do you apply it when you don't have a job?
Who is your customer?
Your potential employer. Everything you do, resumes, cover letters, the way you dress, all of that is how you market yourself. You yourself are the product that you are selling. So the question becomes then, what exactly are you or do you want to be marketing about yourself?
August 16, 2012
Just a couple days ago, I began reading the biography on Steve Jobs. He was a very interesting man who changed the technology industry forever, so I was hoping to glean a little bit of knowledge from the 600+ pages that it contains.
One quote by Jobs shocked me within one of the first few pages. In it, he made the statement that he believes all business people should have a major failure in their life.
Yes. They must get sucker punched; take one to the chin.
Not EVERYONE needs to fail, but if you look at some of the greatest athletes, presidents, and business people of all time you'd be surprised how many of them failed.
August 14, 2012
They know what they're talking about
Writing resumes for people on Land the Perfect Job helps newly graduated college students a lot. It makes sure that their skills and past experiences can be expressed in the best way so that they can get the job they want.
It doesn't help them in the interview itself though. And the interview is a large component of the application process.
What I am going to work on next is a series of videos. Short ones, only about 3 - 5 minutes long on topics that will help students ace their interviews. Things like potential questions they may encounter, and how to best answer them. Or what type of dress they should use. Should they wear a black suit or a brown one? Should their shoes have a pointed toe, or a squared off one? These answers are best coming from the experts themselves, so I will be talking to Men's Wearhouse and places like them to get their opinions.
I want to hear from you guys. What topics would you like to see videos on?
It doesn't help them in the interview itself though. And the interview is a large component of the application process.
What I am going to work on next is a series of videos. Short ones, only about 3 - 5 minutes long on topics that will help students ace their interviews. Things like potential questions they may encounter, and how to best answer them. Or what type of dress they should use. Should they wear a black suit or a brown one? Should their shoes have a pointed toe, or a squared off one? These answers are best coming from the experts themselves, so I will be talking to Men's Wearhouse and places like them to get their opinions.
I want to hear from you guys. What topics would you like to see videos on?
August 13, 2012
Mom's lessons
Always say, "Thank you" after an interview.
This may seem like a topic that doesn't need to be discussed, but it surprises me how many interviewees forget to do it. Most people give a small means of appreciation and walk out of the office, or other interview location without a second thought to anything more.
When you get home that day, take five minutes to sit down and write a two sentence thank you card that can be mailed to that interviewer. Just thank them for their time and the opportunity to meet with you. That's all.
Very few job applicants write these, and this small act might get your application that second look that it needs or even solidify you for the position itself.
There is nothing else that takes this insignificant amount of time that helps this much. So, why not do it?
This may seem like a topic that doesn't need to be discussed, but it surprises me how many interviewees forget to do it. Most people give a small means of appreciation and walk out of the office, or other interview location without a second thought to anything more.
When you get home that day, take five minutes to sit down and write a two sentence thank you card that can be mailed to that interviewer. Just thank them for their time and the opportunity to meet with you. That's all.
Very few job applicants write these, and this small act might get your application that second look that it needs or even solidify you for the position itself.
There is nothing else that takes this insignificant amount of time that helps this much. So, why not do it?
August 12, 2012
So common, so valuable
What's the number one thing couples fight over at the time of their child's birth? The name. It has to be just right.
It has been said that a someone's name is one of the most valuable assets that everyone posses. Not in the fact that you can sell it and make a good profit, but that you can make it mean something. Take Michael Bay for example. When a film is produced by him, you can be sure that it will a high intensity action film, far from a love story. Another example is Donald Trump. If you are purchasing an apartment from him, you can be sure that the quality will be superb.
It can go the opposite way as well. If you consistently default on your promises, run late, etc. you will be associated with those characteristics.
Take some time to think about what your name might mean today to people. Is that what you want it to mean? If not what do you want it to stand for? How can you go about doing that?
It has been said that a someone's name is one of the most valuable assets that everyone posses. Not in the fact that you can sell it and make a good profit, but that you can make it mean something. Take Michael Bay for example. When a film is produced by him, you can be sure that it will a high intensity action film, far from a love story. Another example is Donald Trump. If you are purchasing an apartment from him, you can be sure that the quality will be superb.
It can go the opposite way as well. If you consistently default on your promises, run late, etc. you will be associated with those characteristics.
Take some time to think about what your name might mean today to people. Is that what you want it to mean? If not what do you want it to stand for? How can you go about doing that?
August 10, 2012
The power of words
Even though he served two terms as president, George W. Bush has been regarded as one of the worst public speakers the world has seen. In almost every speech you could find a blunder or a misspoken phrase. Of course it was funny to all of us, but in a position of power like the presidency, it looked unprofessional.
The same can apply for you and your job or interview. Most positions in today's corporate world force you to come in contact with other to make business deals or negotiate terms.
Therefore you must be able to speak to them in order to get your point across. If you can't do that, you will lose the deal. If it's in an interview, you could lose the job.
The same can apply for you and your job or interview. Most positions in today's corporate world force you to come in contact with other to make business deals or negotiate terms.
Therefore you must be able to speak to them in order to get your point across. If you can't do that, you will lose the deal. If it's in an interview, you could lose the job.
August 9, 2012
"Put your behind in your past"
Almost everyone has seen the Disney movie The Lion King. Even if you haven't, you know the song "Hakuna Matata" that Timone and Pumba sing. Based on a mindset of no worries, it may not be the best thought for all situations.
Before the song starts, Pumba (in incorrect terms) gives Simba the advice to put his past behind him. Too many people constantly think about what could have been, or what went wrong in a situation.
Their past haunts them.
Do not let past failures in your job, company, or interview dictate how you think or act today. The past has gone, and nothing you do will change it.
Move on. Work to ensure that you never fail in that same way again.
Before the song starts, Pumba (in incorrect terms) gives Simba the advice to put his past behind him. Too many people constantly think about what could have been, or what went wrong in a situation.
Their past haunts them.
Do not let past failures in your job, company, or interview dictate how you think or act today. The past has gone, and nothing you do will change it.
Move on. Work to ensure that you never fail in that same way again.
August 8, 2012
A thought on knots
A staple in almost every business professional's dress is the necktie. Some prominent figures are known to wear ones that are flashy and stand out while others just wear one because everyone else does.
I find that I look nice in them, but they make me stiff and uncomfortable. I figured I just had to suck it up and deal with it until recently. An article by Sir Richard Branson of the Virgin Empire has taken a new stance on the fashion piece.
His thoughts were that the traditional dress was too uptight and was limiting to his employee's friendliness and customer service. Interesting thought in a time when customer service seems to be key.
In some occupations it is still a necessity in order to be taken seriously. If given the option, I am going to lose the tie every time from now on knowing that Sir Richard is with me on this one. What do you think?
I find that I look nice in them, but they make me stiff and uncomfortable. I figured I just had to suck it up and deal with it until recently. An article by Sir Richard Branson of the Virgin Empire has taken a new stance on the fashion piece.
His thoughts were that the traditional dress was too uptight and was limiting to his employee's friendliness and customer service. Interesting thought in a time when customer service seems to be key.
In some occupations it is still a necessity in order to be taken seriously. If given the option, I am going to lose the tie every time from now on knowing that Sir Richard is with me on this one. What do you think?
August 1, 2012
Who doesn't like free stuff?
If you are ever going to go interview for a job, research position, organization position, etc. you are not going to want to commit one of the Seven Deadly Sins of Interviews.
I'll send you these free.
Just sign up to follow this blog by putting in your email to the right and I will send you the sins. You are going to want to make sure you know these so that you have the best chance.
I'll send you these free.
Just sign up to follow this blog by putting in your email to the right and I will send you the sins. You are going to want to make sure you know these so that you have the best chance.
July 31, 2012
Don't dress to impress
"What can I wear to impress my interviewer?" This thought runs through virtually every candidate's head the morning of their interview. "Do I look better with the red shirt, white tie, or white shirt, red tie?"
Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker suggest differently. He believes that you should dress averagely so that you DO NOT stick out. Flashy clothes calls attention to your outfit, and not your attributes or qualifications. Which would you prefer?
Instead, wear something forgettable. If, after you left, the interviewer can describe extremely accurately what you wore, you dressed incorrectly.
Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker suggest differently. He believes that you should dress averagely so that you DO NOT stick out. Flashy clothes calls attention to your outfit, and not your attributes or qualifications. Which would you prefer?
Instead, wear something forgettable. If, after you left, the interviewer can describe extremely accurately what you wore, you dressed incorrectly.
July 30, 2012
Are Your Friends Holding You Back?
It is important to be mindful of who it is that you are friends with. Not just only in the workplace, but in all aspects of life.
I'm not talking about Steve a couple offices over who you can hi to in the hallway and that's it. No I mean the guys who you go out for drinks with after work. Or the guys who you go golfing with every Saturday morning. Even the fraternity brothers who you have so many memories with.
Depending on their habits, dreams, and personalities, you will mold your own to fit in with them. Your life will be highly influenced by them. It is exactly the reason why its harder to start on a paper early when your teacher says it, but its extremely easy when your friends tell you to.
You are closer with them. Their words and actions have more of an impact. If they are an athletic group, so will you be. Same goes for academics, personality type, and almost anything else you can think of. Are they someone you aspire to be?
Take a look around. Who are you closest with?
Are they holding you back?
I'm not talking about Steve a couple offices over who you can hi to in the hallway and that's it. No I mean the guys who you go out for drinks with after work. Or the guys who you go golfing with every Saturday morning. Even the fraternity brothers who you have so many memories with.
Depending on their habits, dreams, and personalities, you will mold your own to fit in with them. Your life will be highly influenced by them. It is exactly the reason why its harder to start on a paper early when your teacher says it, but its extremely easy when your friends tell you to.
You are closer with them. Their words and actions have more of an impact. If they are an athletic group, so will you be. Same goes for academics, personality type, and almost anything else you can think of. Are they someone you aspire to be?
Take a look around. Who are you closest with?
Are they holding you back?
July 29, 2012
Brer Rabbit and the briar patch
While exploring Disney's Magic Kingdom yesterday, I came across a quote this quote by Brer Rabbit, "You can't run away from trouble . . . ain't no place that far".
Life will never clear a path for you, nor will it help you to avoid trouble. That's much of the fun about chasing a dream or a goal. It will instead throw brick walls in front of you, and cause trouble for you to try and make you take your eyes off the final destination.
When life does this to you, become Brer Rabbit. Instead of running away from Brer Fox and the hot pot of water all the time. When they catch you, figure out a way to get thrown in the briar patch instead.
"When one door closes, another one opens. That, or you climb in the window, or break the door down, or look for the key, or pick the lock. You have to think outside of the box sometimes."
Life will never clear a path for you, nor will it help you to avoid trouble. That's much of the fun about chasing a dream or a goal. It will instead throw brick walls in front of you, and cause trouble for you to try and make you take your eyes off the final destination.
When life does this to you, become Brer Rabbit. Instead of running away from Brer Fox and the hot pot of water all the time. When they catch you, figure out a way to get thrown in the briar patch instead.
"When one door closes, another one opens. That, or you climb in the window, or break the door down, or look for the key, or pick the lock. You have to think outside of the box sometimes."
July 28, 2012
Predicting the Weather
Most people if given the choice to pick the weather, would
rather have a sunny day over a cloudy rainy one. Sure, rain helps water the plants and grass
to grow, but everyone experiencing that weather feels down a little.
It’s the effect weather has on our moods. It does it to
The same goes for your attitude and outlook on life. If you walk around acting like every little
thing is the end of the world. Or like
nothing good ever happens, you are raining.
Sometimes literally.
This causes the people around you to rain to. Or if you are starting to show signs of a
storm, they may avoid you altogether. You
will have many more friends and relationships if you are a happier person.
People notice. Fast.
July 27, 2012
Incredible, isn’t it?
I have only recently rediscovered my sense of wonder and awe
at some of the everyday occurrences that I used to take for granted. Take a minute and think. There really are a lot.
Most of these things are very simple to understand. Almost anyone who has taken an elementary
physics, chemistry, or biology class know exactly how it works. But I find the fact that it does so
Just this morning I took a flight to Orlando. Two thoughts flooded
into my mind. Even though I know how
airflow and updraft allows for air travel, the fact that a metal object
thousands of pounds can fly through the air is mind blowing. Or take the fact that even though the weather
was crappy, as soon as we rose above the cloud cover, the ominous looking
clouds turned into what resembled a beautiful frozen tundra.
Thanks to modern science, we can explain almost anything
anymore. But, no one will think less of
you for being impressed.
So go on, wonder away…
July 25, 2012
"He touched the butt."
I don't know of anyone who doesn't love Disney's Finding Nemo. The title and idea for this post is taken from a scene very early on in the movie when Nemo's father forbids him from going near the risky boat (the butt as the kids call it).
A lot of times people tell us don't take risks. Sometimes we tell it to ourselves. Maybe fear holds us back. Fear tells us, "Well, yeah, you can do that, but this bad thing might happen...". It rarely lets the small ray of light shine through of the fantastic outcome that will most likely happen.
I'm the type of person that loves the adrenaline rush I get from taking risks. Something as small as starting this, my first blog, to jumping out of an airplane last summer gives me a feeling that I cannot get enough of. Sure, there is a chance that no one will read my blog, or that my parachute will not open. I know the risk, but I choose to do it anyway. I have this saying that I try to live my life by, "I would rather regret attempting something, than looking back and regret being too afraid to try".
A lot of these risks I have on my bucket list. I'm slowly working on checking them off. Some people call me insane, but I just like living life to the fullest. My next big challenge is to hike the Hang Son Doong caves in Vietnam.
What is on your bucket list? What risks are you taking to enrich your life? (I'd love to read your answers in the comment box!)
A lot of times people tell us don't take risks. Sometimes we tell it to ourselves. Maybe fear holds us back. Fear tells us, "Well, yeah, you can do that, but this bad thing might happen...". It rarely lets the small ray of light shine through of the fantastic outcome that will most likely happen.
I'm the type of person that loves the adrenaline rush I get from taking risks. Something as small as starting this, my first blog, to jumping out of an airplane last summer gives me a feeling that I cannot get enough of. Sure, there is a chance that no one will read my blog, or that my parachute will not open. I know the risk, but I choose to do it anyway. I have this saying that I try to live my life by, "I would rather regret attempting something, than looking back and regret being too afraid to try".
A lot of these risks I have on my bucket list. I'm slowly working on checking them off. Some people call me insane, but I just like living life to the fullest. My next big challenge is to hike the Hang Son Doong caves in Vietnam.
What is on your bucket list? What risks are you taking to enrich your life? (I'd love to read your answers in the comment box!)
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Me in flight last summer. It was the best experience of my life. I cannot wait to go again this fall! |
July 22, 2012
Never Work a Day In Your Life
Jumping off what I mentioned yesterday I bring a new thought to you today. If money did not matter, schooling did not matter, and you could do anything in the world that you wanted, what would it be?
What would you do? What would you create?
So many people, college students even, work summer jobs or internships, or even accept job offers based on ridiculous reasons. They do not like the job description or the company, but they see a flashy salary number and are drawn to it. Then they complain nonstop about how they hate their job.
Then why do it? "Well, I need to pay the bills somehow..."
While this may be true, there are a hundred other things you could be doing that are much more fun and that still pay fairly well. And, if you can't find it, create it yourself. You will be much happier in the long run.
If for some reason you are stuck in that job you hate, find a way to make it fun. Make jokes with other employees, dance to music while you work, anything that makes you smile.
A friend on mine once told me he works forty hours at one job during the week, and then goes to a second job on the weekend to work at least another ten. When I asked him what he thought about it he answered:
"I love it. I still can't believe I'm getting paid to do this!"
What would you do? What would you create?
So many people, college students even, work summer jobs or internships, or even accept job offers based on ridiculous reasons. They do not like the job description or the company, but they see a flashy salary number and are drawn to it. Then they complain nonstop about how they hate their job.
Then why do it? "Well, I need to pay the bills somehow..."
While this may be true, there are a hundred other things you could be doing that are much more fun and that still pay fairly well. And, if you can't find it, create it yourself. You will be much happier in the long run.
If for some reason you are stuck in that job you hate, find a way to make it fun. Make jokes with other employees, dance to music while you work, anything that makes you smile.
A friend on mine once told me he works forty hours at one job during the week, and then goes to a second job on the weekend to work at least another ten. When I asked him what he thought about it he answered:
"I love it. I still can't believe I'm getting paid to do this!"
July 21, 2012
Treading Water
Earlier in the summer I was reading a book by Donald Trump entitled "Think Like a Champion". Each short chapter is dedicated to a different idea including one labeled "treading water". In the following three pages he goes on to talk about the work that one does.
Think about the amount of work that you during throughout the day, the week, the year. Next, think about what it is exactly that you do for the same periods of time. Now, answer this question honestly:
Are you working to just "get by", or are you working to "get ahead" and expand your position or business?
They are two completely different things. We need to move away from doing only the amount of work to satisfy our supervisor or our target numbers and start doing extra. Why only get $2,500 in sales a month, even though that's your minimum, when you can do $10,000? The same thought can work in every aspect of your life.
You translate the question into another form:
Are you treading water not to die? Or are you treading water to swim?
You can get a copy of the book on Amazon at:
Donald Trump's "Think Like a Champion"
Think about the amount of work that you during throughout the day, the week, the year. Next, think about what it is exactly that you do for the same periods of time. Now, answer this question honestly:
Are you working to just "get by", or are you working to "get ahead" and expand your position or business?
They are two completely different things. We need to move away from doing only the amount of work to satisfy our supervisor or our target numbers and start doing extra. Why only get $2,500 in sales a month, even though that's your minimum, when you can do $10,000? The same thought can work in every aspect of your life.
You translate the question into another form:
Are you treading water not to die? Or are you treading water to swim?
You can get a copy of the book on Amazon at:
Donald Trump's "Think Like a Champion"
July 20, 2012
Is there a correct definition of success?
Everyone (including myself) has a definition of success. But what I find truly interesting; I have never heard two people say the same thing. Very few other words in the English language have this ambiguous a definition. defines it as, "the attainment of wealth, position, honors". In one aspect or another, it may be the most common thread in all explanations that I have heard.
I do agree with this partially. Everyone should better themselves to be wealthier, have a bigger house, get a higher paying job, etc. as long as it adds to your health.
... as long as it adds to your health.
What good does the half a million dollar a year salary do for you if you work eighty hour weeks with no vacation? Eventually your health or happiness will suffer. Sure, some of that money could go into the best health club, but what good does it do you if you never get to use it? Or what happens to your friends and family when you start neglecting them because you work constantly?
In my opinion, someone working what might be considered a mediocre job with an average salary, but having the ability to be close with his / her loved ones and being healthy surpasses that of a millionaire.
Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar defines it as, "having all of the things money won't buy, and most of the things money will buy".
How do you measure your success?
July 19, 2012
Don't do what you're told
I came across this line while watching a recent interview with the marketing guru Seth Godin. In the interview, he describes his belief that the past century was focused on the Industrial Age.
People went to school, got a job, and retired. That was it.
Stability was the name of the game, and no one wanted to do anything that was going to upset that system. Now in this new technological age, everyone can still do the same thing, but there will be always someone who can do it for less than you.
If you just do what you're told, you will be fired.
The key is to become indispensable. Do something or become someone that has a skill or a talent that no one else or few people can do. Show your employer that, without you, they will be sunk. If they were to let you go there would be a void left that no one could fill.
Seth, and many others have asked this question...
"If you stopped doing what you're doing, who would miss you?"
Here is the link to that interview on Youtube:
Seth Godin Interview - July 3, 2012
People went to school, got a job, and retired. That was it.
Stability was the name of the game, and no one wanted to do anything that was going to upset that system. Now in this new technological age, everyone can still do the same thing, but there will be always someone who can do it for less than you.
If you just do what you're told, you will be fired.
The key is to become indispensable. Do something or become someone that has a skill or a talent that no one else or few people can do. Show your employer that, without you, they will be sunk. If they were to let you go there would be a void left that no one could fill.
Seth, and many others have asked this question...
"If you stopped doing what you're doing, who would miss you?"
Here is the link to that interview on Youtube:
Seth Godin Interview - July 3, 2012
July 16, 2012
In the beginning...
Well, I'm new to this whole universe of blogging so bear with me while I learn the ropes...
The one thing that I do know a little bit about though, is how to get a job. So I did a little more research on the subject so that I could be sure that I was really truly the most informed on the matter and thought, what good is this information if I'm the only one who knows it? In this crappy economy that I keep hearing about, people want to know how they can get jobs too I bet. So I decided to help those people out. I'm sorry if you are one of those people. I really am.
BUT... man that's a big butt. (dry humor I know)
You are in the right place to turn yourself around. I am going to show you and help you land that perfect job. Whether you are a recent high school / college graduate looking to get his first job, or a current student looking to make a few extra dollars, or even someone who has had jobs before, but is in the process of looking for a new one, I can help you.
I created the website Land the Perfect Job in order to do just that. In its entirety, it will eventually contain hundreds of videos detailing every part of the job search and interview process. Everything to help you find, fight for, and get that job you want. Right now I am simply writing resumes for people. That is the best first step that you can do for yourself. You could have the best interview of your life, but if your resume does not "wow" that manager, you're sunk. If you are interested, or would like to know more information do not hesitate to watch the video on my website or email me at
using the contact us page on my website.
The main point of this blog though is to give you some free tips and recommend some of my favorite places to go, or things to do that can help you improve your professional career. Things like what dentists can do to improve your chances of getting a job, or how playing sports can benefit you in the workplace. Small things like that can go a long way. I'm going to be writing on this blog fairly frequently, I doubt it'll be as often as everyday, but check back every so often, and maybe you'll learn something. (the future posts won't be this long, I promise)
The one thing that I do know a little bit about though, is how to get a job. So I did a little more research on the subject so that I could be sure that I was really truly the most informed on the matter and thought, what good is this information if I'm the only one who knows it? In this crappy economy that I keep hearing about, people want to know how they can get jobs too I bet. So I decided to help those people out. I'm sorry if you are one of those people. I really am.
BUT... man that's a big butt. (dry humor I know)
You are in the right place to turn yourself around. I am going to show you and help you land that perfect job. Whether you are a recent high school / college graduate looking to get his first job, or a current student looking to make a few extra dollars, or even someone who has had jobs before, but is in the process of looking for a new one, I can help you.
I created the website Land the Perfect Job in order to do just that. In its entirety, it will eventually contain hundreds of videos detailing every part of the job search and interview process. Everything to help you find, fight for, and get that job you want. Right now I am simply writing resumes for people. That is the best first step that you can do for yourself. You could have the best interview of your life, but if your resume does not "wow" that manager, you're sunk. If you are interested, or would like to know more information do not hesitate to watch the video on my website or email me at
using the contact us page on my website.
The main point of this blog though is to give you some free tips and recommend some of my favorite places to go, or things to do that can help you improve your professional career. Things like what dentists can do to improve your chances of getting a job, or how playing sports can benefit you in the workplace. Small things like that can go a long way. I'm going to be writing on this blog fairly frequently, I doubt it'll be as often as everyday, but check back every so often, and maybe you'll learn something. (the future posts won't be this long, I promise)
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