July 29, 2012

Brer Rabbit and the briar patch

While exploring Disney's Magic Kingdom yesterday, I came across a quote this quote by Brer Rabbit, "You can't run away from trouble . . . ain't no place that far".

Life will never clear a path for you, nor will it help you to avoid trouble.  That's much of the fun about chasing a dream or a goal.  It will instead throw brick walls in front of you, and cause trouble for you to try and make you take your eyes off the final destination.

When life does this to you, become Brer Rabbit.  Instead of running away from Brer Fox and the hot pot of water all the time.  When they catch you, figure out a way to get thrown in the briar patch instead. 

"When one door closes, another one opens. That, or you climb in the window, or break the door down, or look for the key, or pick the lock. You have to think outside of the box sometimes."

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