July 19, 2012

Don't do what you're told

I came across this line while watching a recent interview with the marketing guru Seth Godin.  In the interview, he describes his belief that the past century was focused on the Industrial Age.

People went to school, got a job, and retired.  That was it. 

Stability was the name of the game, and no one wanted to do anything that was going to upset that system.  Now in this new technological age, everyone can still do the same thing, but there will be always someone who can do it for less than you.

If you just do what you're told, you will be fired. 

The key is to become indispensable.  Do something or become someone that has a skill or a talent that no one else or few people can do.  Show your employer that, without you, they will be sunk.  If they were to let you go there would be a void left that no one could fill.

Seth, and many others have asked this question...

"If you stopped doing what you're doing, who would miss you?"

Here is the link to that interview on Youtube:
Seth Godin Interview - July 3, 2012

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