July 27, 2012

Incredible, isn’t it?

I have only recently rediscovered my sense of wonder and awe at some of the everyday occurrences that I used to take for granted.  Take a minute and think.  There really are a lot.

Most of these things are very simple to understand.  Almost anyone who has taken an elementary physics, chemistry, or biology class know exactly how it works.  But I find the fact that it does so fascinating.

Just this morning I took a flight to Orlando. Two thoughts flooded into my mind.  Even though I know how airflow and updraft allows for air travel, the fact that a metal object thousands of pounds can fly through the air is mind blowing.  Or take the fact that even though the weather was crappy, as soon as we rose above the cloud cover, the ominous looking clouds turned into what resembled a beautiful frozen tundra.

Thanks to modern science, we can explain almost anything anymore.  But, no one will think less of you for being impressed.

So go on, wonder away…

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