August 8, 2012

A thought on knots

A staple in almost every business professional's dress is the necktie.  Some prominent figures are known to wear ones that are flashy and stand out while others just wear one because everyone else does. 

I find that I look nice in them, but they make me stiff and uncomfortable.  I figured I just had to suck it up and deal with it until recently.  An article by Sir Richard Branson of the Virgin Empire has taken a new stance on the fashion piece. 

His thoughts were that the traditional dress was too uptight and was limiting to his employee's friendliness and customer service.  Interesting thought in a time when customer service seems to be key. 

In some occupations it is still a necessity in order to be taken seriously.  If given the option, I am going to lose the tie every time from now on knowing that Sir Richard is with me on this one.  What do you think?

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