August 14, 2012

They know what they're talking about

Writing resumes for people on Land the Perfect Job helps newly graduated college students a lot.  It makes sure that their skills and past experiences can be expressed in the best way so that they can get the job they want. 

It doesn't help them in the interview itself though.  And the interview is a large component of the application process. 

What I am going to work on next is a series of videos.  Short ones, only about 3 - 5 minutes long on topics that will help students ace their interviews.  Things like potential questions they may encounter, and how to best answer them.  Or what type of dress they should use.  Should they wear a black suit or a brown one? Should their shoes have a pointed toe, or a squared off one?  These answers are best coming from the experts themselves, so I will be talking to Men's Wearhouse and places like them to get their opinions. 

I want to hear from you guys.  What topics would you like to see videos on?

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