August 12, 2012

So common, so valuable

What's the number one thing couples fight over at the time of their child's birth?  The name.  It has to be just right. 

It has been said that a someone's name is one of the most valuable assets that everyone posses.  Not in the fact that you can sell it and make a good profit, but that you can make it mean something.  Take Michael Bay for example.  When a film is produced by him, you can be sure that it will a high intensity action film, far from a love story.  Another example is Donald Trump.  If you are purchasing an apartment from him, you can be sure that the quality will be superb. 

It can go the opposite way as well.  If you consistently default on your promises, run late, etc. you will be associated with those characteristics.

Take some time to think about what your name might mean today to people.  Is that what you want it to mean?  If not what do you want it to stand for? How can you go about doing that?

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