Most positions that people interview for now require passing several interviews. One with a potential coworker or manager, and then most likely one with an executive. It goes without saying, but with each successive step, they become more challenging and more formal.
Everyone is nice to the face of the interviewer, but what shocks me are the number of people who are rude as soon as they step out of the room.
If you have an interview or a sales meeting with a high up executive or anyone for that matter, you should be courteous to everyone you come in contact with.
Treat everyone the same.
You should be as polite and respectful to the secretary and the janitor that you pass in the lobby as you are to the executive that you are meeting with. First reason is that they ALREADY HAVE a job.
You don't.
Also, if you disrespect them enough, they will tell that executive you met with. At that point there is no way to gain it back.
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