"What can I wear to impress my interviewer?" This thought runs through virtually every candidate's head the morning of their interview. "Do I look better with the red shirt, white tie, or white shirt, red tie?"
Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker suggest differently. He believes that you should dress averagely so that you DO NOT stick out. Flashy clothes calls attention to your outfit, and not your attributes or qualifications. Which would you prefer?
Instead, wear something forgettable. If, after you left, the interviewer can describe extremely accurately what you wore, you dressed incorrectly.
July 31, 2012
July 30, 2012
Are Your Friends Holding You Back?
It is important to be mindful of who it is that you are friends with. Not just only in the workplace, but in all aspects of life.
I'm not talking about Steve a couple offices over who you can hi to in the hallway and that's it. No I mean the guys who you go out for drinks with after work. Or the guys who you go golfing with every Saturday morning. Even the fraternity brothers who you have so many memories with.
Depending on their habits, dreams, and personalities, you will mold your own to fit in with them. Your life will be highly influenced by them. It is exactly the reason why its harder to start on a paper early when your teacher says it, but its extremely easy when your friends tell you to.
You are closer with them. Their words and actions have more of an impact. If they are an athletic group, so will you be. Same goes for academics, personality type, and almost anything else you can think of. Are they someone you aspire to be?
Take a look around. Who are you closest with?
Are they holding you back?
I'm not talking about Steve a couple offices over who you can hi to in the hallway and that's it. No I mean the guys who you go out for drinks with after work. Or the guys who you go golfing with every Saturday morning. Even the fraternity brothers who you have so many memories with.
Depending on their habits, dreams, and personalities, you will mold your own to fit in with them. Your life will be highly influenced by them. It is exactly the reason why its harder to start on a paper early when your teacher says it, but its extremely easy when your friends tell you to.
You are closer with them. Their words and actions have more of an impact. If they are an athletic group, so will you be. Same goes for academics, personality type, and almost anything else you can think of. Are they someone you aspire to be?
Take a look around. Who are you closest with?
Are they holding you back?
July 29, 2012
Brer Rabbit and the briar patch
While exploring Disney's Magic Kingdom yesterday, I came across a quote this quote by Brer Rabbit, "You can't run away from trouble . . . ain't no place that far".
Life will never clear a path for you, nor will it help you to avoid trouble. That's much of the fun about chasing a dream or a goal. It will instead throw brick walls in front of you, and cause trouble for you to try and make you take your eyes off the final destination.
When life does this to you, become Brer Rabbit. Instead of running away from Brer Fox and the hot pot of water all the time. When they catch you, figure out a way to get thrown in the briar patch instead.
"When one door closes, another one opens. That, or you climb in the window, or break the door down, or look for the key, or pick the lock. You have to think outside of the box sometimes."
Life will never clear a path for you, nor will it help you to avoid trouble. That's much of the fun about chasing a dream or a goal. It will instead throw brick walls in front of you, and cause trouble for you to try and make you take your eyes off the final destination.
When life does this to you, become Brer Rabbit. Instead of running away from Brer Fox and the hot pot of water all the time. When they catch you, figure out a way to get thrown in the briar patch instead.
"When one door closes, another one opens. That, or you climb in the window, or break the door down, or look for the key, or pick the lock. You have to think outside of the box sometimes."
July 28, 2012
Predicting the Weather
Most people if given the choice to pick the weather, would
rather have a sunny day over a cloudy rainy one. Sure, rain helps water the plants and grass
to grow, but everyone experiencing that weather feels down a little.
It’s the effect weather has on our moods. It does it to
The same goes for your attitude and outlook on life. If you walk around acting like every little
thing is the end of the world. Or like
nothing good ever happens, you are raining.
Sometimes literally.
This causes the people around you to rain to. Or if you are starting to show signs of a
storm, they may avoid you altogether. You
will have many more friends and relationships if you are a happier person.
People notice. Fast.
July 27, 2012
Incredible, isn’t it?
I have only recently rediscovered my sense of wonder and awe
at some of the everyday occurrences that I used to take for granted. Take a minute and think. There really are a lot.
Most of these things are very simple to understand. Almost anyone who has taken an elementary
physics, chemistry, or biology class know exactly how it works. But I find the fact that it does so
Just this morning I took a flight to Orlando. Two thoughts flooded
into my mind. Even though I know how
airflow and updraft allows for air travel, the fact that a metal object
thousands of pounds can fly through the air is mind blowing. Or take the fact that even though the weather
was crappy, as soon as we rose above the cloud cover, the ominous looking
clouds turned into what resembled a beautiful frozen tundra.
Thanks to modern science, we can explain almost anything
anymore. But, no one will think less of
you for being impressed.
So go on, wonder away…
July 25, 2012
"He touched the butt."
I don't know of anyone who doesn't love Disney's Finding Nemo. The title and idea for this post is taken from a scene very early on in the movie when Nemo's father forbids him from going near the risky boat (the butt as the kids call it).
A lot of times people tell us don't take risks. Sometimes we tell it to ourselves. Maybe fear holds us back. Fear tells us, "Well, yeah, you can do that, but this bad thing might happen...". It rarely lets the small ray of light shine through of the fantastic outcome that will most likely happen.
I'm the type of person that loves the adrenaline rush I get from taking risks. Something as small as starting this, my first blog, to jumping out of an airplane last summer gives me a feeling that I cannot get enough of. Sure, there is a chance that no one will read my blog, or that my parachute will not open. I know the risk, but I choose to do it anyway. I have this saying that I try to live my life by, "I would rather regret attempting something, than looking back and regret being too afraid to try".
A lot of these risks I have on my bucket list. I'm slowly working on checking them off. Some people call me insane, but I just like living life to the fullest. My next big challenge is to hike the Hang Son Doong caves in Vietnam.
What is on your bucket list? What risks are you taking to enrich your life? (I'd love to read your answers in the comment box!)
A lot of times people tell us don't take risks. Sometimes we tell it to ourselves. Maybe fear holds us back. Fear tells us, "Well, yeah, you can do that, but this bad thing might happen...". It rarely lets the small ray of light shine through of the fantastic outcome that will most likely happen.
I'm the type of person that loves the adrenaline rush I get from taking risks. Something as small as starting this, my first blog, to jumping out of an airplane last summer gives me a feeling that I cannot get enough of. Sure, there is a chance that no one will read my blog, or that my parachute will not open. I know the risk, but I choose to do it anyway. I have this saying that I try to live my life by, "I would rather regret attempting something, than looking back and regret being too afraid to try".
A lot of these risks I have on my bucket list. I'm slowly working on checking them off. Some people call me insane, but I just like living life to the fullest. My next big challenge is to hike the Hang Son Doong caves in Vietnam.
What is on your bucket list? What risks are you taking to enrich your life? (I'd love to read your answers in the comment box!)
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Me in flight last summer. It was the best experience of my life. I cannot wait to go again this fall! |
July 22, 2012
Never Work a Day In Your Life
Jumping off what I mentioned yesterday I bring a new thought to you today. If money did not matter, schooling did not matter, and you could do anything in the world that you wanted, what would it be?
What would you do? What would you create?
So many people, college students even, work summer jobs or internships, or even accept job offers based on ridiculous reasons. They do not like the job description or the company, but they see a flashy salary number and are drawn to it. Then they complain nonstop about how they hate their job.
Then why do it? "Well, I need to pay the bills somehow..."
While this may be true, there are a hundred other things you could be doing that are much more fun and that still pay fairly well. And, if you can't find it, create it yourself. You will be much happier in the long run.
If for some reason you are stuck in that job you hate, find a way to make it fun. Make jokes with other employees, dance to music while you work, anything that makes you smile.
A friend on mine once told me he works forty hours at one job during the week, and then goes to a second job on the weekend to work at least another ten. When I asked him what he thought about it he answered:
"I love it. I still can't believe I'm getting paid to do this!"
What would you do? What would you create?
So many people, college students even, work summer jobs or internships, or even accept job offers based on ridiculous reasons. They do not like the job description or the company, but they see a flashy salary number and are drawn to it. Then they complain nonstop about how they hate their job.
Then why do it? "Well, I need to pay the bills somehow..."
While this may be true, there are a hundred other things you could be doing that are much more fun and that still pay fairly well. And, if you can't find it, create it yourself. You will be much happier in the long run.
If for some reason you are stuck in that job you hate, find a way to make it fun. Make jokes with other employees, dance to music while you work, anything that makes you smile.
A friend on mine once told me he works forty hours at one job during the week, and then goes to a second job on the weekend to work at least another ten. When I asked him what he thought about it he answered:
"I love it. I still can't believe I'm getting paid to do this!"
July 21, 2012
Treading Water
Earlier in the summer I was reading a book by Donald Trump entitled "Think Like a Champion". Each short chapter is dedicated to a different idea including one labeled "treading water". In the following three pages he goes on to talk about the work that one does.
Think about the amount of work that you during throughout the day, the week, the year. Next, think about what it is exactly that you do for the same periods of time. Now, answer this question honestly:
Are you working to just "get by", or are you working to "get ahead" and expand your position or business?
They are two completely different things. We need to move away from doing only the amount of work to satisfy our supervisor or our target numbers and start doing extra. Why only get $2,500 in sales a month, even though that's your minimum, when you can do $10,000? The same thought can work in every aspect of your life.
You translate the question into another form:
Are you treading water not to die? Or are you treading water to swim?
You can get a copy of the book on Amazon at:
Donald Trump's "Think Like a Champion"
Think about the amount of work that you during throughout the day, the week, the year. Next, think about what it is exactly that you do for the same periods of time. Now, answer this question honestly:
Are you working to just "get by", or are you working to "get ahead" and expand your position or business?
They are two completely different things. We need to move away from doing only the amount of work to satisfy our supervisor or our target numbers and start doing extra. Why only get $2,500 in sales a month, even though that's your minimum, when you can do $10,000? The same thought can work in every aspect of your life.
You translate the question into another form:
Are you treading water not to die? Or are you treading water to swim?
You can get a copy of the book on Amazon at:
Donald Trump's "Think Like a Champion"
July 20, 2012
Is there a correct definition of success?
Everyone (including myself) has a definition of success. But what I find truly interesting; I have never heard two people say the same thing. Very few other words in the English language have this ambiguous a definition. Dictionary.com defines it as, "the attainment of wealth, position, honors". In one aspect or another, it may be the most common thread in all explanations that I have heard.
I do agree with this partially. Everyone should better themselves to be wealthier, have a bigger house, get a higher paying job, etc. as long as it adds to your health.
... as long as it adds to your health.
What good does the half a million dollar a year salary do for you if you work eighty hour weeks with no vacation? Eventually your health or happiness will suffer. Sure, some of that money could go into the best health club, but what good does it do you if you never get to use it? Or what happens to your friends and family when you start neglecting them because you work constantly?
In my opinion, someone working what might be considered a mediocre job with an average salary, but having the ability to be close with his / her loved ones and being healthy surpasses that of a millionaire.
Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar defines it as, "having all of the things money won't buy, and most of the things money will buy".
How do you measure your success?
July 19, 2012
Don't do what you're told
I came across this line while watching a recent interview with the marketing guru Seth Godin. In the interview, he describes his belief that the past century was focused on the Industrial Age.
People went to school, got a job, and retired. That was it.
Stability was the name of the game, and no one wanted to do anything that was going to upset that system. Now in this new technological age, everyone can still do the same thing, but there will be always someone who can do it for less than you.
If you just do what you're told, you will be fired.
The key is to become indispensable. Do something or become someone that has a skill or a talent that no one else or few people can do. Show your employer that, without you, they will be sunk. If they were to let you go there would be a void left that no one could fill.
Seth, and many others have asked this question...
"If you stopped doing what you're doing, who would miss you?"
Here is the link to that interview on Youtube:
Seth Godin Interview - July 3, 2012
People went to school, got a job, and retired. That was it.
Stability was the name of the game, and no one wanted to do anything that was going to upset that system. Now in this new technological age, everyone can still do the same thing, but there will be always someone who can do it for less than you.
If you just do what you're told, you will be fired.
The key is to become indispensable. Do something or become someone that has a skill or a talent that no one else or few people can do. Show your employer that, without you, they will be sunk. If they were to let you go there would be a void left that no one could fill.
Seth, and many others have asked this question...
"If you stopped doing what you're doing, who would miss you?"
Here is the link to that interview on Youtube:
Seth Godin Interview - July 3, 2012
July 16, 2012
In the beginning...
Well, I'm new to this whole universe of blogging so bear with me while I learn the ropes...
The one thing that I do know a little bit about though, is how to get a job. So I did a little more research on the subject so that I could be sure that I was really truly the most informed on the matter and thought, what good is this information if I'm the only one who knows it? In this crappy economy that I keep hearing about, people want to know how they can get jobs too I bet. So I decided to help those people out. I'm sorry if you are one of those people. I really am.
BUT... man that's a big butt. (dry humor I know)
You are in the right place to turn yourself around. I am going to show you and help you land that perfect job. Whether you are a recent high school / college graduate looking to get his first job, or a current student looking to make a few extra dollars, or even someone who has had jobs before, but is in the process of looking for a new one, I can help you.
I created the website Land the Perfect Job in order to do just that. In its entirety, it will eventually contain hundreds of videos detailing every part of the job search and interview process. Everything to help you find, fight for, and get that job you want. Right now I am simply writing resumes for people. That is the best first step that you can do for yourself. You could have the best interview of your life, but if your resume does not "wow" that manager, you're sunk. If you are interested, or would like to know more information do not hesitate to watch the video on my website or email me at
using the contact us page on my website.
The main point of this blog though is to give you some free tips and recommend some of my favorite places to go, or things to do that can help you improve your professional career. Things like what dentists can do to improve your chances of getting a job, or how playing sports can benefit you in the workplace. Small things like that can go a long way. I'm going to be writing on this blog fairly frequently, I doubt it'll be as often as everyday, but check back every so often, and maybe you'll learn something. (the future posts won't be this long, I promise)
The one thing that I do know a little bit about though, is how to get a job. So I did a little more research on the subject so that I could be sure that I was really truly the most informed on the matter and thought, what good is this information if I'm the only one who knows it? In this crappy economy that I keep hearing about, people want to know how they can get jobs too I bet. So I decided to help those people out. I'm sorry if you are one of those people. I really am.
BUT... man that's a big butt. (dry humor I know)
You are in the right place to turn yourself around. I am going to show you and help you land that perfect job. Whether you are a recent high school / college graduate looking to get his first job, or a current student looking to make a few extra dollars, or even someone who has had jobs before, but is in the process of looking for a new one, I can help you.
I created the website Land the Perfect Job in order to do just that. In its entirety, it will eventually contain hundreds of videos detailing every part of the job search and interview process. Everything to help you find, fight for, and get that job you want. Right now I am simply writing resumes for people. That is the best first step that you can do for yourself. You could have the best interview of your life, but if your resume does not "wow" that manager, you're sunk. If you are interested, or would like to know more information do not hesitate to watch the video on my website or email me at
using the contact us page on my website.
The main point of this blog though is to give you some free tips and recommend some of my favorite places to go, or things to do that can help you improve your professional career. Things like what dentists can do to improve your chances of getting a job, or how playing sports can benefit you in the workplace. Small things like that can go a long way. I'm going to be writing on this blog fairly frequently, I doubt it'll be as often as everyday, but check back every so often, and maybe you'll learn something. (the future posts won't be this long, I promise)
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